Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged performance in Jan, 2022

Filters: Year: 2022 × Month: Jan × performance × Sorted by date

Mypyc (via) Spotted this in the Black release notes: “Black is now compiled with mypyc for an overall 2x speed-up”. Mypyc is a tool that compiles Python modules (written in a subset of Python) to C extensions—similar to Cython but using just Python syntax, taking advantage of type annotations to perform type checking and type inference. It’s part of the mypy type checking project, which has been using it since 2019 to gain a 4x performance improvement over regular Python. # 30th January 2022, 1:31 am

Tricking Postgres into using an insane – but 200x faster – query plan. Jacob Martin talks through a PostgreSQL query optimization they implemented at Spacelift, showing in detail how to interpret the results of EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON, ANALYZE) using the visualization tool. # 18th January 2022, 8:53 pm



