Simon Willison’s Weblog


How to add a directory to your PATH. Classic Julia Evans piece here, answering a question which you might assume is obvious but very much isn't.

Plenty of useful tips in here, plus the best explanation I've ever seen of the three different Bash configuration options:

Bash has three possible config files: ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, and ~/.profile.

If you're not sure which one your system is set up to use, I'd recommend testing this way:

  1. add echo hi there to your ~/.bashrc
  2. Restart your terminal
  3. If you see "hi there", that means ~/.bashrc is being used! Hooray!
  4. Otherwise remove it and try the same thing with ~/.bash_profile
  5. You can also try ~/.profile if the first two options don't work.

This article also reminded me to try which -a again, which gave me this confusing result for datasette:

% which -a datasette

Why is the second path in there twice? I figured out how to use rg to search just the dot-files in my home directory:

rg local/bin -g '/.*' --max-depth 1

And found that I have both a .zshrc and .zprofile file that are adding that to my path:

4:export PATH="$PATH:/Users/simon/.local/bin"

5:export PATH="$PATH:/Users/simon/.local/bin"

7:export PATH="$PATH:/Users/simon/.local/bin"