Simon Willison’s Weblog


Claude Artifact Runner (via) One of my least favourite things about Claude Artifacts (notes on how I use those here) is the way it defaults to writing code in React in a way that's difficult to reuse outside of Artifacts. I start most of my prompts with "no react" so that it will kick out regular HTML and JavaScript instead, which I can then copy out into my GitHub Pages repository.

It looks like Cláudio Silva has solved that problem. His claude-artifact-runner repo provides a skeleton of a React app that reflects the Artifacts environment - including bundling libraries such as Shadcn UI, Tailwind CSS, Lucide icons and Recharts that are included in that environment by default.

This means you can clone the repo, run npm install && npm run dev to start a development server, then copy and paste Artifacts directly from Claude into the src/artifact-component.tsx file and have them rendered instantly.

I tried it just now and it worked perfectly. I prompted:

Build me a cool artifact using Shadcn UI and Recharts around the theme of a Pelican secret society trying to take over Half Moon Bay

Then copied and pasted the resulting code into that file and it rendered the exact same thing that Claude had shown me in its own environment.

A dashboard showing pelican activity metrics and locations. Header reads "Pelican Illuminati Control Center" with "Threat Level: HIGH". Contains an emergency alert about pelicans at Mavericks Beach, two line graphs tracking "Membership Growth" and "Fish Acquisition Metrics" from Jan-Jun, and a list of "Known Pelican Strongholds" including Pillar Point Harbor, Mavericks Beach, Dunes Beach, Poplar Beach, and Half Moon Bay State Beach, each with designated roles in parentheses.

I tried running npm run build to create a built version of the application but I got some frustrating TypeScript errors - and I didn't want to make any edits to the code to fix them.

After poking around with the help of Claude I found this command which correctly built the application for me:

npx vite build

This created a dist/ directory containing an index.html file and assets/index-CSlCNAVi.css (46.22KB) and assets/index-f2XuS8JF.js (542.15KB) files - a bit heavy for my liking but they did correctly run the application when hosted through a python -m http.server localhost server.