Simon Willison’s Weblog


Leader Election With S3 Conditional Writes (via) Amazon S3 added support for conditional writes last week, so you can now write a key to S3 with a reliable failure if someone else has has already created it.

This is a big deal. It reminds me of the time in 2020 when S3 added read-after-write consistency, an astonishing piece of distributed systems engineering.

Gunnar Morling demonstrates how this can be used to implement a distributed leader election system. The core flow looks like this:

  • Scan an S3 bucket for files matching lock_* - like lock_0000000001.json. If the highest number contains {"expired": false} then that is the leader
  • If the highest lock has expired, attempt to become the leader yourself: increment that lock ID and then attempt to create lock_0000000002.json with a PUT request that includes the new If-None-Match: * header - set the file content to {"expired": false}
  • If that succeeds, you are the leader! If not then someone else beat you to it.
  • To resign from leadership, update the file with {"expired": true}

There's a bit more to it than that - Gunnar also describes how to implement lock validity timeouts such that a crashed leader doesn't leave the system leaderless.