Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 6th December 2017

Maybe the solution to the Fermi paradox is that significantly advanced civilizations discover crypto currencies and then furiously burn through all available energy sources until they go extinct


# 2:44 am

PostgreSQL Exercises. Excellent set of PostgreSQL exercises by Alisdair Owens, each with an interactive editor that lets you run your queries against a real database. Starts with the basics, but also covers advanced topics like recursive queries and window aggregate functions.

# 4:20 pm / postgresql

Use a .dev domain? Not anymore. Google bought the .dev gTLD a few years ago for their own internal usage and in a few weeks time Chrome will start shipping a HSTS preload list rule that says that .dev must be served over HTTPS. This means that if you’re using a .dev domain in your /etc/hosts file you’ll need to switch to .test or .localhost (or set up a self-signed certificate) or your development environment will refuse to load.

# 6:42 pm / dns

2017 » December
