Simon Willison’s Weblog


Which are the big Tech and Social Media events coming up from September onward (USA & Europe)?

19th September 2012

My answer to Which are the big Tech and Social Media events coming up from September onward (USA & Europe)? on Quora

Our site is a good bet for answering this type of question. We operate a wikipedia-style index of professional events and conferences, a large portion of which are tech/social media related.

In addition to the event details, we also list the speakers and any attendees who have told us they are going. If you sign in to the site with Twitter we’ll look at who you are following and show you events those people are attending or speaking at.

You can browse the site by location, for example:

Or you can browse by topic:
Or you can combine the two...
If you’re interested in a particular speaker, you can see all of the events they will be speaking at in the future (and see talks they’ve given in the past):
Finally, you can sign in to the site and “track” individual topics—or topics restricted by area—to get email recommendations of new events when they are added to the site. We’ll also email you new events that your Twitter contacts are attending.

Hope this is helpful!