Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 30th September 2010

Content management remains an unsolved problem. Untold billions of dollars (and hours) have been spent building commercial, open source, and custom content management systems since the first Web page was pushed to a Web server using FTP, and yet they all still suck.

Rafe Colburn

# 12:26 pm / contentmanagement, rafe-colburn, recovered

Velocity: Forcing Gzip Compression. Almost every browser supports gzip these days, but 15% of web requests have had their Accept-Encoding header stripped or mangled, generally due to poorly implemented proxies or anti-virus software. Steve Souders passes on a trick used by Google Search, where an iframe is used to test the browser’s gzip support and set a cookie to force gzipping of future pages.

# 5:45 pm / browsers, gzip, performance, proxies, steve-souders, recovered

2010 » September
