Simon Willison’s Weblog


Eurovision scores

21st May 2005

Aah sweet Eurovision. This time last year I was in Kansas, no one had even heard of it and I was forced to watch it over RealPlayer as it wasn’t being carried by any of the TV channels. This year, we’ve had a Eurovision party. Here are our scores:

   Country                  Simon   Nat     Tony    Andy    Average
1  Hungary                  7       8       8       7       7.5
2  UK                       3       10      4       3       5.0
3  Malta                    6       8       6       8       7.0
4  Romania                  7       4       9       6       6.5
5  Norway                   9       10      5       8       8.0
6  Turkey                   7       7       8       7       7.25
7  Moldova                  10      8       10      5       8.25
8  Albania                  6       4       4       4       4.5
9  Cyprus                   3       5       3       4       3.75
10 Spain                    4       6       6       5       5.25
11 Israel                   6       6       6       6       6.0
12 Serbia & Montenegro      5       9       6       6       6.5
13 Denmark                  5       7       6       6       6.0
14 Sweden                   7       9       8       6       7.5
15 F.Y.R. Macedonia         3       4       4       3       3.5
16 Ukraine                  6       7       8       6       6.75
17 Germany                  7       8       6       8       7.25
18 Croatia                  5       7       4       6       5.5
19 Greece                   8       7       8       6       7.25
20 Russia                   6       7       9       6       7.0
21 Bosnia & Herzegovina     9       9       10      8       9.0
22 Switzerland              5       4       6       7       5.5
23 Latvia                   4       4       4       6       4.5
24 France                   3       4       5       4       4.0
   Averages                 5.875   6.75    6.375   5.875   6.21875

I’m sure the official results will be up on Wikipedia within minutes of their announcement.

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This is Eurovision scores by Simon Willison, posted on 21st May 2005.

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