5 posts tagged “xtech2007”
The Implications of OpenID
My second presentation at XTech 2007. Unfortunately there’s just the Matt Webb keynote to go, and I spent most of the conference worrying about my talks. There’s a lot to be said for speaking as early as possible.
[... 86 words]Slideshows tagged with xtech2007. I like slideshare a lot.
JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture
I just gave my first talk at XTech 2007 (I’m speaking again on Friday, on OpenID). Slides are on slideshare.net.
[... 40 words]XTech 2007 Registration. Deadline for online registrations is 2nd May. It looks like it’ll be a really good conference this year (disclaimer: I’m speaking).
XTech 2007 schedule: behind the scenes. Expectnation looks like a smart piece of software for conference organisers. There’s surprisingly little crossover with Event Wax—it looks like the two could complement each other nicely.