Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for brian-suda

2 posts tagged “brian-suda”


Tracking Christmas Cheer with Google Charts. Brian Suda’s Google Charts tutorial on 24 ways has proved invaluable for figuring out how to handle grid lines and axis labels, both of which are pretty unintuitive (and not hugely helped by the official documentation).

# 26th May 2008, 9:43 pm / google-charts, brian-suda, 24-ways, graphs, google


Portable Social Networks: Take Your Friends with You. Brian Suda explains how OpenID, XFN and hCard can be used together to bootstrap portable social networks.

# 23rd November 2007, 11:56 pm / hcard, brian-suda, microformats, openid, xfn, portablesocialnetworks