Simon Willison’s Weblog

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2 posts tagged “acre”


Introducing Acre. I’m losing track of all the server-side JavaScript hosted web application platforms now. Here’s the Freebase contribution to the genre, complete with IDE, templating language and strong integration with Freebase itself.

# 7th November 2008, 11:23 pm / javascript, freebase, acre, serversidejavascript

Freebase Hack Day. I’m finding Freebase increasingly interesting at the moment, and their public hack day on the 8th November in San Francisco looks like it could be a lot of fun. They’ll be previewing Acre, a new server-side JavaScript application platform targeted at building Freebase powered applications. Hit “view source” at the bottom of the hack day site to see what an Acre app looks like.

# 24th October 2008, 12:06 am / hackday, freebase, acre, events, javascript, san-francisco