Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged webassembly in Jan, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: Jan × webassembly × Sorted by date

urllib3 2.2.0. Highlighted feature: “urllib3 now works in the browser”—the core urllib3 library now includes code that can integrate with Pyodide, using the browser’s fetch() or XMLHttpRequest APIs to make HTTP requests (to CORS-enabled endpoints). # 30th January 2024, 4:31 pm

ColBERT query-passage scoring interpretability (via) Neat interactive visualization tool for understanding what the ColBERT embedding model does—this works by loading around 50MB of model files directly into your browser and running them with WebAssembly. # 28th January 2024, 4:49 pm

NYT Flash-based visualizations work again. The New York Times are using the open source Ruffle Flash emulator—built using Rust, compiled to WebAssembly—to get their old archived data visualization interactives working again. # 21st January 2024, 5:58 am

container2wasm (via) “Converts a container to WASM with emulation by Bochs (for x86_64 containers) and TinyEMU (for riscv64 containers)”—effectively letting you take a Docker container and turn it into a WebAssembly blob that can then run in any WebAssembly host environment, including the browser.

Run “c2w ubuntu:22.04 out.wasm” to output a WASM binary for the Ubuntu 22:04 container from Docker Hub, then “wasmtime out.wasm uname -a” to run a command.

Even better, check out the live browser demos linked fro the README, which let you do things like run a Python interpreter in a Docker container directly in your browser. # 3rd January 2024, 11:21 pm



