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Items tagged sqlite, javascript

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Astro DB. A new scale-to-zero hosted SQLite offering, described as “A fully-managed SQL database designed exclusively for Astro”. It’s built on top of LibSQL, the SQLite fork maintained by the Turso database team.

Astro DB encourages defining your tables with TypeScript, and querying them via the Drizzle ORM.

Running Astro locally uses a local SQLite database. Deployed to Astro Cloud switches to their DB product, where the free tier currently includes 1GB of storage, one billion row reads per month and one million row writes per month.

Astro itself is a “web framework for content-driven websites”—so hosted SQLite is a bit of an unexpected product from them, though it does broadly fit the ecosystem they are building.

This approach reminds me of how Deno K/V works—another local SQLite storage solution that offers a proprietary cloud hosted option for deployment. # 12th March 2024, 6:02 pm

About the sqlite3 WASM/JS Subproject. SQLite now maintains an official WebAssembly build. It’s influenced by sql.js but is a fresh implementation with its own API design. It also supports Origin-Private FileSystem (OPFS)—a very new standard which doesn’t yet have wide browser support that allows websites to save and load files using a dedicated folder on the host machine. # 28th October 2022, 11:05 pm

Bun. “Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime”—this is very interesting. It’s the first project I’ve seen written using the Zig language, which I see as somewhat equivalent to Rust. Bun provides a full Node.js-style JavaScript environment plus a host of packaged tools—an npm install client, a TypeScript transpiler, bundling tools—all wrapped up in a single binary. The JavaScript engine itself extends JavaScriptCore. Bun also ships with its own wrapper for SQLite. # 6th July 2022, 5:24 pm

SQLime: SQLite Playground (via) Anton Zhiyanov built this useful mobile-friendly online playground for trying things out it SQLite. It uses the sql.js library which compiles SQLite to WebAssembly, so it runs everything in the browser—but it also supports saving your work to Gists via the GitHub API. The JavaScript source code is fun to read: the site doesn’t use npm or Webpack or similar, opting instead to implement everything library-free using modern JavaScript modules and Web Components. # 17th January 2022, 7:08 pm

sql.js Online SQL interpreter (via) This is fascinating: sql.js is a project that complies the whole of SQLite to JavaScript using Emscripten. The demo is an online SQL interpreter which lets you import an existing SQLite database from your filesystem and run queries against it directly in your browser. # 17th May 2018, 9:28 pm

Browsing my browsing. Roo Reynolds used the MeeTimer Firefox extension to gather statistics on his browsing habits, then extracted data directly from the SQLite database and generated his own graphs using PHP and the canvas element. # 10th April 2009, 8:48 am

Gearshift. Whoa, a full migrations library written in JavaScript for Gears (which uses SQLite for its data store). # 15th September 2008, 2:51 pm