Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged jsonp in 2010

Filters: Year: 2010 × jsonp × Sorted by date

The Guardian’s Open Platform is open for business. The Guardian’s Content API is now out of beta. Of particular interest: you can access basic article metadata (headline, URL and tags) without using an API key at all, and the API supports JSONP—just request format=json and include a callback=foo argument. # 20th May 2010, 5:40 pm

Google Charts release notes, February 2010. More new Google Charts Image API features I hadn’t noticed before: charts of large data sets can now be generated using a POST request, but the killer feature is the ability to add ?chof=validate to see useful error messages. ?chof=json is interesting too—it gives you back a JSON object detailing the coordinates of various interesting shapes on the associated chart, which you can then use to create your own image maps or JavaScript tooltips. It’s a shame it doesn’t support JSON-P. # 27th April 2010, 12:07 pm



