Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged json, google

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Code your own election mashup with Google’s JSON data. The data that powered Google’s US election results map is available to download as a bunch of JSON files. # 6th November 2008, 8:24 pm

Google AJAX Search API: Flash and Server Side Access. Over a year after Google shot down their SOAP Search API, they’ve quietly released a JSON based one under the guise of supporting “Flash and other non JavaScript environments”. Comes with the strange requirement that an HTTP referer be sent with every request; the API key is optional. # 22nd April 2008, 7:16 pm

Social Graph API. This is freaking awesome. Input one or more URLs to your profile pages and it returns a huge dump of crawled relationship data, based on XFN, FOAF and OpenID links. No API key required and it supports JSON callbacks so you can incorporate it in to a site without even needing to write any extra server-side code. # 3rd February 2008, 10:34 pm