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Blogmarks tagged generativeai, homebrewllms in 2024

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PaliGemma model README (via) One of the more over-looked announcements from Google I/O yesterday was PaliGemma, an openly licensed VLM (Vision Language Model) in the Gemma family of models.

The model accepts an image and a text prompt. It outputs text, but that text can include special tokens representing regions on the image. This means it can return both bounding boxes and fuzzier segment outlines of detected objects, behavior that can be triggered using a prompt such as "segment puffins".

You can try it out on Hugging Face.

It's a 3B model, making it feasible to run on consumer hardware. # 15th May 2024, 9:16 pm

experimental-phi3-webgpu (via) Run Microsoft’s excellent Phi-3 model directly in your browser, using WebGPU so didn’t work in Firefox for me, just in Chrome.

It fetches around 2.1GB of data into the browser cache on first run, but then gave me decent quality responses to my prompts running at an impressive 21 tokens a second (M2, 64GB).

I think Phi-3 is the highest quality model of this size, so it’s a really good fit for running in a browser like this. # 9th May 2024, 10:21 pm

microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-gguf (via) Microsoft’s Phi-3 LLM is out and it’s really impressive. This 4,000 token context GGUF model is just a 2.2GB (for the Q4 version) and ran on my Mac using the llamafile option described in the README. I could then run prompts through it using the llm-llamafile plugin.

The vibes are good! Initial test prompts I’ve tried feel similar to much larger 7B models, despite using just a few GBs of RAM. Tokens are returned fast too—it feels like the fastest model I’ve tried yet.

And it’s MIT licensed. # 23rd April 2024, 5:40 pm

llm-gpt4all. New release of my LLM plugin which builds on Nomic's excellent gpt4all Python library. I've upgraded to their latest version which adds support for Llama 3 8B Instruct, so after a 4.4GB model download this works:

llm -m Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct "say hi in Spanish" # 20th April 2024, 5:58 pm

Mistral tweet a magnet link for mixtral-8x22b. Another open model release from Mistral using their now standard operating procedure of tweeting out a raw torrent link.

This one is an 8x22B Mixture of Experts model. Their previous most powerful openly licensed release was Mixtral 8x7B, so this one is a whole lot bigger (a 281GB download)—and apparently has a 65,536 context length, at least according to initial rumors on Twitter. # 10th April 2024, 2:31 am

Gemma: Introducing new state-of-the-art open models. Google get in on the openly licensed LLM game: Gemma comes in two sizes, 2B and 7B, trained on 2 trillion and 6 trillion tokens respectively. The terms of use “permit responsible commercial usage”. In the benchmarks it appears to compare favorably to Mistral and Llama 2.

Something that caught my eye in the terms: “Google may update Gemma from time to time, and you must make reasonable efforts to use the latest version of Gemma.”

One of the biggest benefits of running your own model is that it can protect you from model updates that break your carefully tested prompts, so I’m not thrilled by that particular clause.

UPDATE: It turns out that clause isn’t uncommon—the phrase “You shall undertake reasonable efforts to use the latest version of the Model” is present in both the Stable Diffusion and BigScience Open RAIL-M licenses. # 21st February 2024, 4:22 pm