Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged frontend, vercel

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Skew protection in Vercel (via) Version skew is a name for the bug that occurs when your user loads a web application and then unintentionally keeps that browser tab open across a deployment of a new version of the app. If you’re unlucky this can lead to broken behaviour, where a client makes a call to a backend endpoint that has changed in an incompatible way.

Vercel have an ingenious solution to this problem. Their platform already makes it easy to deploy many different instances of an application. You can now turn on “skew protection” for a number of hours which will keep older versions of your backend deployed.

The application itself can then include its desired deployment ID in a x-deployment-id header, a __vdpl cookie or a ?dpl= query string parameter. # 20th March 2024, 2:06 pm


