Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged datasette, plugins in 2024

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2024 × datasette × plugins × Sorted by date

datasette-pins — a new Datasette plugin for pinning tables and queries. Alex Garcia built this plugin for Datasette Cloud, and as with almost every Datasette Cloud features we're releasing it as an open source package as well.

datasette-pins allows users with the right permission to "pin" tables, databases and queries to their homepage. It's a lightweight way to customize that homepage, especially useful as your Datasette instance grows to host dozens or even hundreds of tables. # 9th May 2024, 6:29 pm

datasette-import. A new plugin for importing data into Datasette. This is a replacement for datasette-paste, duplicating and extending its functionality. datasette-paste had grown beyond just dealing with pasted CSV/TSV/JSON data—it handles file uploads as well now—which inspired the new name. # 6th April 2024, 10:40 pm

datasette-studio. I’ve been thinking for a while that it might be interesting to have a version of Datasette that comes bundled with a set of useful plugins, aimed at expanding Datasette’s default functionality to cover things like importing data and editing schemas.

This morning I built the very first experimental preview of what that could look like. Install it using pipx:

pipx install datasette-studio

I recommend pipx because it will ensure datasette-studio gets its own isolated environment, independent of any other Datasette installations you might have.

Now running “datasette-studio” instead of “datasette” will get you the version with the bundled plugins.

The implementation of this is fun—it’s a single pyproject.toml file defining the dependencies and setting up the datasette-studio CLI hook, which is enough to provide the full set of functionality.

Is this a good idea? I don’t know yet, but it’s certainly an interesting initial experiment. # 18th February 2024, 8:38 pm



