Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged datasette, githistory in 2021

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2021 × datasette × githistory × Sorted by date

Weeknotes: git-history, bug magnets and s3-credentials --public

I’ve stopped considering my projects “shipped” until I’ve written a proper blog entry about them, so yesterday I finally shipped git-history, coinciding with the release of version 0.6—a full 27 days after the first 0.1.

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git-history: a tool for analyzing scraped data collected using Git and SQLite

I described Git scraping last year: a technique for writing scrapers where you periodically snapshot a source of data to a Git repository in order to record changes to that source over time.

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Weeknotes: git-history, created for a Git scraping workshop

My main project this week was a 90 minute workshop I delivered about Git scraping at Coda.Br 2021, a Brazilian data journalism conference, on Friday. This inspired the creation of a brand new tool, git-history, plus smaller improvements to a range of other projects.

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