Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged datasette, datasettecloud in 2024

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2024 × datasette × datasettecloud × Sorted by date

datasette-pins — a new Datasette plugin for pinning tables and queries. Alex Garcia built this plugin for Datasette Cloud, and as with almost every Datasette Cloud features we're releasing it as an open source package as well.

datasette-pins allows users with the right permission to "pin" tables, databases and queries to their homepage. It's a lightweight way to customize that homepage, especially useful as your Datasette instance grows to host dozens or even hundreds of tables. # 9th May 2024, 6:29 pm

Extracting data from unstructured text and images with Datasette and GPT-4 Turbo. Datasette Extract is a new Datasette plugin that uses GPT-4 Turbo (released to general availability today) and GPT-4 Vision to extract structured data from unstructured text and images.

I put together a video demo of the plugin in action today, and posted it to the Datasette Cloud blog along with screenshots and a tutorial describing how to use it. # 9th April 2024, 11:03 pm

Add ETag header for static responses. I’ve been procrastinating on adding better caching headers for static assets (JavaScript and CSS) served by Datasette for several years, because I’ve been wanting to implement the perfect solution that sets far-future cache headers on every asset and ensures the URLs change when they are updated.

Agustin Bacigalup just submitted the best kind of pull request: he observed that adding ETag support for static assets would side-step the complexity while adding much of the benefit, and implemented it along with tests.

It’s a substantial performance improvement for any Datasette instance with a number of JavaScript plugins... like the ones we are building on Datasette Cloud. I’m just annoyed we didn’t ship something like this sooner! # 17th March 2024, 7:25 pm

dclient 0.3. dclient is my CLI utility for working with remote Datasette instances—in particular for authenticating with them and then running both read-only SQL queries and inserting data using the new Datasette write JSON API. I just picked up work on the project again after a six month gap—the insert command can now be used to constantly stream data directly to hosted Datasette instances such as Datasette Cloud. # 25th February 2024, 8:06 pm