Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged datajournalism, teaching

Filters: datajournalism × teaching × Sorted by date

Teaching News Apps with Codespaces (via) Derek Willis used GitHub Codespaces for the latest data journalism class he taught, and it eliminated the painful process of trying to get students on an assortment of Mac, Windows and Chromebook laptops all to a point where they could start working and learning together. # 23rd March 2023, 12:39 am

Weeknotes: Covid-19, First Python Notebook, more Dogsheep, Tailscale

My project publishes information on COVID-19 cases around the world. The project started out using data from Johns Hopkins CSSE, but last week the New York Times started publishing high quality USA county- and state-level daily numbers to their own repository. Here’s the change that added the NY Times data.

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