Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged databases, benjohnson

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Introducing LiteFS (via) LiteFS is the new SQLite replication solution from Fly, now ready for beta testing. It’s from the same author as Litestream but has a very different architecture; LiteFS works by implementing a custom FUSE filesystem which spies on SQLite transactions being written to the journal file and forwards them on to other nodes in the cluster, providing full read-replication. The signature Litestream feature of streaming a backup to S3 should be coming within the next few months. # 21st September 2022, 6:56 pm

How the SQLite Virtual Machine Works. The latest entry in Ben Johnson’s series about SQLite internals. # 7th September 2022, 8:49 pm

How SQLite Scales Read Concurrency (via) Ben Johnson’s series on SQLite internals continues—this time with a detailed explanation of how the SQLite WAL (Write-Ahead Log) is implemented. # 24th August 2022, 4:16 pm

SQLite Internals: Pages & B-trees (via) Ben Johnson provides a delightfully clear introduction to SQLite internals, describing the binary format used to store rows on disk and how SQLite uses 4KB pages for both row storage and for the b-trees used to look up records. # 27th July 2022, 2:57 pm