Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged alexgarcia, json

Filters: alexgarcia × json × Sorted by date

sqlite-jsonschema. “A SQLite extension for validating JSON objects with JSON Schema”, building on the jsonschema Rust crate. SQLite and JSON are already a great combination—Alex suggests using this extension to implement check constraints to validate JSON columns before inserting into a table, or just to run queries finding existing data that doesn’t match a given schema. # 28th January 2023, 3:50 am

Introducing sqlite-lines—a SQLite extension for reading files line-by-line (via) Alex Garcia wrote a brilliant C module for SQLIte which adds functions (and a table-valued function) for efficiently reading newline-delimited text into SQLite. When combined with SQLite’s built-in JSON features this means you can read a huge newline-delimited JSON file into SQLite in a streaming fashion so it doesn’t exhaust memory for a large file. Alex also compiled the extension to WebAssembly, and his post here is an Observable notebook post that lets you exercise the code directly. # 30th July 2022, 7:18 pm


