Simon Willison’s Weblog


Quotations in Aug, 2022

Filters: Type: quotation × Year: 2022 × Month: Aug × Sorted by date

To make the analogy explicit, in Software 1.0, human-engineered source code (e.g. some .cpp files) is compiled into a binary that does useful work. In Software 2.0 most often the source code comprises 1) the dataset that defines the desirable behavior and 2) the neural net architecture that gives the rough skeleton of the code, but with many details (the weights) to be filled in. The process of training the neural network compiles the dataset into the binary — the final neural network. In most practical applications today, the neural net architectures and the training systems are increasingly standardized into a commodity, so most of the active “software development” takes the form of curating, growing, massaging and cleaning labeled datasets.

Andrej Karpathy # 24th August 2022, 9:28 pm

Your documentation is complete when someone can use your module without ever having to look at its code. This is very important. This makes it possible for you to separate your module’s documented interface from its internal implementation (guts). This is good because it means that you are free to change the module’s internals as long as the interface remains the same.

Remember: the documentation, not the code, defines what a module does.

Ken Williams # 4th August 2022, 3:50 pm



