Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged ai, ethanmollick in Jul, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Jul × ai × ethanmollick × Sorted by date

Increasingly powerful AI systems are being released at an increasingly rapid pace. [...] And yet not a single AI lab seems to have provided any user documentation. Instead, the only user guides out there appear to be Twitter influencer threads. Documentation-by-rumor is a weird choice for organizations claiming to be concerned about proper use of their technologies, but here we are.

Ethan Mollick # 16th July 2023, 12:12 am

What AI can do with a toolbox... Getting started with Code Interpreter. Ethan Mollick has been doing some very creative explorations of ChatGPT Code Interpreter over the past few months, and has tied a lot of them together into this useful introductory tutorial. # 12th July 2023, 8:57 pm



