Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged webdevelopment in Jun, 2013

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2013 × Month: Jun × webdevelopment × Sorted by date

What are useful tools for building out web app Infrastructure?

First, make sure you know your way around a command automation tool, such as Fabric (Python) or Capistrano (Ruby).

[... 63 words]

How can you assign routes for a website in a .net environment?

You’ll have a much easier time of it if you use paths that start at the root rather than relative paths, eg <a href="/foo/bar/"> instead of <a href="../bar/">

[... 46 words]

Where can I find an updated DB of countries, states and cities?

This is a surprisingly complicated question. The first thing you might want to ask yourself is “what’s a country”—how do you deal with places on this List of states with limited recognition for example?

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What’s the best platform I can use for a food delivery startup? Shopify? Or should I instead learn to code?

Don’t build an e-commerce system as your first programming project—I know engineers with many years of experience who wouldn’t trust themselves to write code that handles money.

[... 103 words]