Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged quora, webdevelopment in Jun, 2012

Filters: Year: 2012 × Month: Jun × quora × webdevelopment × Sorted by date

Ideas on how to secure good clients for web development? Or—How to turn my skills into decent pay?

Don’t get work through elance—get stuff from your personal network instead. If you don’t have a personal network, start building one!

[... 230 words]

Are there any website thumbnail services that generate images in real-time? generates images on demand—you pass the URL directly to the service and it replies with a PNG image. The first load can take a few seconds (depending on how long it takes the originating site to serve up the assets etc) but they cache the generated images so future requests for the same URL will be served instantly.

[... 79 words]

Is there such thing as a specific multi-site search?

Yes—Blekko does exactly this, with its “slashtags” feature:

[... 27 words]

How do you know the real size of a web page?

The Google Chrome developer tools can do this, on the Network tab. Take a look at the bottom blue bar (which says “5 requests | 29.49KB transferred”)

[... 51 words]



