Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged webworkers in May, 2023

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2023 × Month: May × webworkers × Sorted by date

Instant colour fill with HTML Canvas (via) Shane O'Sullivan describes how to implement instant colour fill using HTML Canvas and some really clever tricks with Web Workers. A new technique to me is passing a canvas.getImageData() object to a Web Worker via worker.postMessage({action: "process", buffer:}, []) where that second argument is a list of objects to "transfer ownership of" - then the worker can create a new ImageData(), populate it and transfer ownership of that back to the parent window. # 24th May 2023, 1:27 am

Building a Signal Analyzer with Modern Web Tech (via) Casey Primozic’s detailed write-up of his project to build a spectrogram and oscilloscope using cutting-edge modern web technology: Web Workers, Web Audio, SharedArrayBuffer, Atomics.waitAsync, OffscreenCanvas, WebAssembly SIMD and more. His conclusion: “Web developers now have all the tools they need to build native-or-better quality apps on the web.” # 21st May 2023, 9:35 pm



