Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged sqliteutils in May

Filters: Month: May × sqliteutils × Sorted by date

fastlite (via) New Python library from Jeremy Howard that adds some neat utility functions and syntactic sugar to my sqlite-utils Python library, specifically for interactive use in Jupyter notebooks.

The autocomplete support through newly exposed dynamic properties is particularly neat, as is the diagram(db.tables) utility for rendering a graphviz diagram showing foreign key relationships between all of the tables. # 27th May 2024, 9:14 pm

Migrating out of PostHaven. Amjith Ramanujam decided to migrate his blog content from PostHaven to a Markdown static site. He used shot-scraper (shelled out to from a Python script) to scrape his existing content using a snippet of JavaScript, wrote the content to a SQLite database using sqlite-utils, then used markdownify (new to me, a neat Python package for converting HTML to Markdown via BeautifulSoup) to write the content to disk as Markdown. # 24th May 2023, 7:38 pm

Trogon (via) The latest project from the Textualize/Rich crew, Trogon provides a Python decorator—@tui—which, when applied to a Click CLI application, adds a new interactive TUI mode which introspects the available subcommands and their options and creates a full Text User Interface—with keyboard and mouse support—for assembling invocations of those various commands.

I just shipped sqlite-utils 3.32 with support for this—it uses an optional dependency, so you’ll need to run “sqlite-utils install trogon” and then “sqlite-utils tui” to try it out. # 21st May 2023, 9:39 pm

Weeknotes: sqlite-utils 3.31, download-esm, Python in a sandbox

A couple of speaking appearances last week—one planned, one unplanned. Plus sqlite-utils 3.31, download-esm and a new TIL.

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sqlite-utils: a nice way to import data into SQLite for analysis (via) Julia Evans on my sqlite-utils Python library and CLI tool. # 13th May 2022, 6:17 pm

sqlite-utils 3.26.1 (via) I released sqlite-utils 3.36.1 with one tiny but exciting feature: I fixed its one dependency that wasn’t published as a pure Python wheel, which means it can now be used with Pyodide—Python compiled to WebAssembly running in your browser! # 2nd May 2022, 6:43 pm

sqlite-utils 1.0. I just released sqlite-utils 1.0, with a couple of handy new features over 0.14: it can now automatically add columns to a database table if you attempt to insert data which doesn’t quite fit (using alter=True in the Python API or the --alter option to the “sqlite-utils insert” command). It also has the ability to output nested JSON column values on the command-line using the new --json-cols option. This is the first project I’ve marked as a 1.0 release in a very long time—I’ll be sticking to semver for this project from now on, bumping the major version only in the case of a backwards incompatible change. # 25th May 2019, 1:20 am