Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged llms, promptengineering in May, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: May × llms × promptengineering × Sorted by date

What is prompt optimization? (via) Delightfully clear explanation of a simple automated prompt optimization strategy from Jason Liu. Gather a selection of examples and build an evaluation function to return a numeric score (the hard bit). Then try different shuffled subsets of those examples in your prompt and look for the example collection that provides the highest averaged score. # 22nd May 2024, 4:02 pm

Context caching for Google Gemini (via) Another new Gemini feature announced today. Long context models enable answering questions against large chunks of text, but the price of those long prompts can be prohibitive—$3.50/million for Gemini Pro 1.5 up to 128,000 tokens and $7/million beyond that.

Context caching offers a price optimization, where the long prefix prompt can be reused between requests, halving the cost per prompt but at an additional cost of $4.50 / 1 million tokens per hour to keep that context cache warm.

Given that hourly extra charge this isn’t a default optimization for all cases, but certain high traffic applications might be able to save quite a bit on their longer prompt systems.

It will be interesting to see if other vendors such as OpenAI and Anthropic offer a similar optimization in the future. # 14th May 2024, 8:42 pm

Deterministic Quoting: Making LLMs Safe for Healthcare (via) Matt Yeung introduces Deterministic Quoting, a technique to help reduce the risk of hallucinations while working with LLMs. The key idea is to have parts of the output that are copied directly from relevant source documents, with a different visual treatment to help indicate that they are exact quotes, not generated output.

The AI chooses which section of source material to quote, but the retrieval of that text is a traditional non-AI database lookup. That’s the only way to guarantee that an LLM has not transformed text: don’t send it through the LLM in the first place.

The LLM may still pick misleading quotes or include hallucinated details in the accompanying text, but this is still a useful improvement.

The implementation is straight-forward: retrieved chunks include a unique reference, and the LLM is instructed to include those references as part of its replies. Matt's posts include examples of the prompts they are using for this. # 7th May 2024, 7:08 pm



