Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged homebrewllms, mlc in Apr, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Apr × homebrewllms × mlc × Sorted by date

MLC LLM (via) From MLC, the team that gave us Web LLM and Web Stable Diffusion. “MLC LLM is a universal solution that allows any language model to be deployed natively on a diverse set of hardware backends and native applications”. I installed their iPhone demo from TestFlight this morning and it does indeed provide an offline LLM that runs on my phone. It’s reasonably capable—the underlying model for the app is vicuna-v1-7b, a LLaMA derivative. # 29th April 2023, 5:43 pm

Web LLM runs the vicuna-7b Large Language Model entirely in your browser, and it’s very impressive

A month ago I asked Could you train a ChatGPT-beating model for $85,000 and run it in a browser?. $85,000 was a hypothetical training cost for LLaMA 7B plus Stanford Alpaca. “Run it in a browser” was based on the fact that Web Stable Diffusion runs a 1.9GB Stable Diffusion model in a browser, so maybe it’s not such a big leap to run a small Large Language Model there as well.

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