Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged webcomponents in Mar, 2024

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2024 × Month: Mar × webcomponents × Sorted by date

Coroutines and web components (via) I like using generators in Python but I rarely knowingly use them in JavaScript—I’m probably most exposed to them by Observable, which uses then extensively under the hood as a mostly hidden implementation detail.

Laurent Renard here shows some absolutely ingenious tricks with them as a way of building stateful Web Components. # 9th March 2024, 3:38 am

Streaming HTML out of order without JavaScript (via) A really interesting new browser capability. If you serve the following HTML:

<template shadowrootmode="open">
  <slot name="item-1">Loading...</slot>

Then later in the same page stream an element specifying that slot:

<span slot="item-1">Item number 1</span>

The previous slot will be replaced while the page continues to load.

I tried the demo in the most recent Chrome, Safari and Firefox (and Mobile Safari) and it worked in all of them.

The key feature is shadowrootmode=open, which looks like it was added to Firefox 123 on February 19th 2024 - the other two browsers are listed on as gaining it around March last year. # 1st March 2024, 4:59 pm



