Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged vaccinateca in Mar, 2021

Filters: Year: 2021 × Month: Mar × vaccinateca × Sorted by date

The Airtable formulas at the heart of everything

While working on building a Counties.json API endpoint for VIAL I realized I wasn’t entirely sure how the “Total reports” and “Yeses” numbers in this piece of JSON were calculated:

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VIAL is now live, plus django-sql-dashboard

Our new Django backend has now officially graduated from preview mode! We’ve been running it to collect caller reports for Oregon for over a week now, and today we finally turned off the old Heroku app and promoted to be the place that our caller app writes to.

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Weeknotes: tableau-to-sqlite, django-sql-dashboard

This week I started a limited production run of my new backend for Vaccinate CA calling, built a tableau-to-sqlite import tool and started working on a subset of Datasette for PostgreSQL and Django called django-sql-dashboard.

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APIs for importing locations

An important aspect of the new backend is the ability to import new locations.

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New call queue ready to test. Also geography.

I just shipped the first working preview version of the new /api/requestCall API [#54]—the API that our caller app uses to get the next location that the caller should be contacting (and lock it so that other users don’t call it at the same time).

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Weeknotes: Datasette and Git scraping at NICAR, VaccinateCA

This week I virtually attended the NICAR data journalism conference and made a ton of progress on the Django backend for VaccinateCA (see last week).

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The simplest possible call queue

Today I’ve been working on the queue calling mechanism for the new Django backend.

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Replaying logs to exercise the new API

22 days ago n1mmy pushed a change to help.vaccinate which logged full details of inoming Netlify function API traffic to an Airtable database.

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API ready for testing, first video status update

To celebrate GitHub’s new support for drag-and-dropping mp4 files into Markdown, I decided to switch things around a little and include a video update with today’s blog entry.

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Drawing the rest of the owl

My ambitious goal for the day was to get the new Django/PostgreSQL preview into a state where we could start sending example API requests to it from the help.vaccinate app.

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