Simon Willison’s Weblog


Quotations tagged generativeai in Mar, 2024

Filters: Type: quotation × Year: 2024 × Month: Mar × generativeai × Sorted by date

No one wants to build a product on a model that makes things up. The core problem is that GenAI models are not information retrieval systems. They are synthesizing systems, with no ability to discern from the data it’s trained on unless significant guardrails are put in place.

Rumman Chowdhury # 31st March 2024, 9:20 pm

At this point, I’m confident saying that 75% of what generative-AI text and image platforms can do is useless at best and, at worst, actively harmful. Which means that if AI companies want to onboard the millions of people they need as customers to fund themselves and bring about the great AI revolution, they’ll have to perpetually outrun the millions of pathetic losers hoping to use this tech to make a quick buck. Which is something crypto has never been able to do.

In fact, we may have already reached a point where AI images have become synonymous with scams and fraud.

Ryan Broderick # 21st March 2024, 9:49 pm

The talk track I’ve been using is that LLMs are easy to take to market, but hard to keep in the market long-term. All the hard stuff comes when you move past the demo and get exposure to real users.

And that’s where you find that all the nice little things you got neatly working fall apart. And you need to prompt differently, do different retrieval, consider fine-tuning, redesign interaction, etc. People will treat this stuff differently from “normal” products, creating unique challenges.

Phillip Carter # 13th March 2024, 3:02 pm

In every group I speak to, from business executives to scientists, including a group of very accomplished people in Silicon Valley last night, much less than 20% of the crowd has even tried a GPT-4 class model.

Less than 5% has spent the required 10 hours to know how they tick.

Ethan Mollick # 9th March 2024, 3:55 am

If a hard takeoff occurs, and a safe AI is harder to build than an unsafe one, then by opensourcing everything, we make it easy for someone unscrupulous with access to overwhelming amount of hardware to build an unsafe AI, which will experience a hard takeoff.

As we get closer to building AI, it will make sense to start being less open. The Open in OpenAI means that everyone should benefit from the fruits of AI after its built, but it’s totally OK to not share the science (even though sharing everything is definitely the right strategy in the short and possibly medium term for recruitment purposes).

Ilya Sutskever # 6th March 2024, 3:02 am



