Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged bugs in Mar

Filters: Month: Mar × bugs × Sorted by date

We’ve got a rule of thumb inside Stamen that issue names must read like imperatives: “improve variable names”, “delete blah functionality”, “fix broken jimmy-jammers”, etc. Nothing focuses the mind of the reporter like being asked to specify what exactly they’d like to see done, and it’s much easier for a developer to scan a list with actual tasks right in the sentence construction.

Michal Migurski # 25th March 2010, 8:09 pm

Internet Explorer: Global Variables, and Stack Overflows. An extremely subtle IE bug—if your recursive JavaScript function is attached directly to the window (global) object, IE won’t let you call it recursively more than 12 times. # 2nd March 2010, 9:21 am