Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged datasettecloud in Feb, 2024

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2024 × Month: Feb × datasettecloud × Sorted by date

dclient 0.3. dclient is my CLI utility for working with remote Datasette instances—in particular for authenticating with them and then running both read-only SQL queries and inserting data using the new Datasette write JSON API. I just picked up work on the project again after a six month gap—the insert command can now be used to constantly stream data directly to hosted Datasette instances such as Datasette Cloud. # 25th February 2024, 8:06 pm

GPUs on are available to everyone! We’ve been experimenting with GPUs on Fly for a few months for Datasette Cloud. They’re well documented and quite easy to use—any example Python code you find that uses NVIDIA CUDA stuff generally Just Works. Most interestingly of all, Fly GPUs can scale to zero—so while they cost $2.50/hr for a A100 40G (VRAM) and $3.50/hr for a A100 80G you can configure them to stop running when the machine runs out of things to do.

We’ve successfully used them to run Whisper and to experiment with running various Llama 2 LLMs as well.

To look forward to: “We are working on getting some lower-cost A10 GPUs in the next few weeks”. # 14th February 2024, 4:28 am



