Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged ycombinator in Oct, 2013

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2013 × Month: Oct × ycombinator × Sorted by date

Does y combinator review applications in the order they were received? If you apply just right before the deadline should you not expect your app to be reviewed before next week?

Appslications are reviewed in random order.

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Y Combinator: I want to apply to YC and I have 5 people on my team. we have two founders one technical and one designer but on our application I want to only include our three programmers one being a founder. Is this frowned upon at YC and does it hu...

YC are fine with three founders—no need to limit it to two.

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Why was the popular Silicon Valley incubator named Y Combinator?

From this interview with Paul Graham

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Why are so many YCombinator startups focussed solving logistics, marketplaces or business problems rather than true hardcore engineering problems?

Because building a successful startup isn’t about solving difficult engineering problems, it’s about Making Something People Want. Customers pay for services that solve problems they have. They don’t care how hard it was to build.

[... 60 words]



