Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged twitter in Oct, 2018

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2018 × Month: Oct × twitter × Sorted by date

python-twitter/ Creating an OAuth token for accessing a specific Twitter account is way harder than it needs to be. I was about to write my own command-line script for doing this using PIN-based authentication (where you pop open a browser showing the Twitter login flow, then get a PIN number at the end which you paste back into your script) when I discovered that the python-twitter library already ships with a script to do exactly that. Just run “python”, paste in your app’s consumer key and secret, follow a link, enter the resulting PIN and the script will spit out the consumer_key / consumer_secret / access_token_key / access_token_secret combo you need to start using the Twitter API. # 28th October 2018, 5:25 pm



