Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged apis in Oct, 2013

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2013 × Month: Oct × apis × Sorted by date

Which is the most complete and up to date API for restaurants/nightlife?

The foursquare API is pretty great for restaurants and nightlife these days. No chance if revenue share though—how would you envisage revenue share working?

[... 44 words]

Which free encyclopedias offer free APIs?

Wikipedia runs using Mediawiki, and Mediawiki has an API:

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What information do you feel is most valuable when integrating a Web API (REST or SOAP)?

  • A really good API explorer
  • Comprehensive documentation of the response format, including what happens if certain fields are missing (empty string, null value, missing key?)
  • Comprehensive documentation of the available request parameters, including allowed values
  • What are the rate limits?
  • What is returned if there is an error?

[... 66 words]



