Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged css in Jan, 2008

Filters: Year: 2008 × Month: Jan × css × Sorted by date

If you want CSS rules to apply to unknown elements in IE, you just have to do document.createElement(elementName). This somehow lets the CSS engine know that elements with that name exist.

Sjoerd Visscher # 22nd January 2008, 8:27 pm

Full Page Zoom Is For Sissies. Ryan points out that sizing everything in ems, while neat, imposes a pretty hefty maintenance cost and is rapidly becoming unnecessary thanks to the page zoom feature in IE 7, Opera and Firefox 3.0. # 19th January 2008, 7:36 am

jQuery 1.2.2: 2nd Birthday Present. The API stays the same, but there are some healthy speed improvements, a new way of adding custom events and (most importantly) .ready() now waits for the CSS to be ready in addition to the DOM. # 15th January 2008, 8:59 am

Javascript CSS Selector Engine Timeline. It’s not every day you see a piece of code you wrote compared to a Ford Pinto :) # 14th January 2008, 1:25 pm