Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged copyright, llms in Jan, 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × Month: Jan × copyright × llms × Sorted by date

OpenAI and journalism. Bit of a misleading title here: this is OpenAI’s first public response to the lawsuit filed by the New York Times concerning their use of unlicensed NYT content to train their models. # 8th January 2024, 6:33 pm

We believe that AI tools are at their best when they incorporate and represent the full diversity and breadth of human intelligence and experience. [...] Because copyright today covers virtually every sort of human expression– including blog posts, photographs, forum posts, scraps of software code, and government documents–it would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models without using copyrighted materials. Limiting training data to public domain books and drawings created more than a century ago might yield an interesting experiment, but would not provide AI systems that meet the needs of today’s citizens.

OpenAI to the Lords Select Committee on LLMs # 8th January 2024, 5:33 pm



