Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 9th February 2011

Breaking the Web with hash-bangs. Mike Davies explains why Gawker’s new Ajax fragment-tastic redesign is a web architecture error of colossal proportions.

# 2:17 am / ajax, gawker, hashbanghell, mike-davies, urls, recovered

Going Postel. Jeremy points out that one of the many disadvantages of publishing JavaScript dependent content on the Web is that a single typo can render your entire site unusable.

# 2:18 am / ajax, gawker, hashbanghell, jeremy-keith, urls, recovered

What is the “best” programming language to learn if you want to mockup your own ideas but don’t have a technical background?

I knew a very talented UX designer at Yahoo! who did all of his interactive mockups in PowerPoint—including widgets that you click to transition to another “page” in the interface. I’ve heard of people doing the same thing in Keynote, and OmniGraffle Pro also has tools for creating interactive mockups.

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2011 » February
