Simon Willison’s Weblog


Another rubbish site

25th July 2002

Why is it that badly designed high profile sites that completely fall apart in Mozilla never have a “contact our web team” or “send us feedback” link anywhere? You would expect better from a company that provides web technology and customer management consultancy services (well if you’re a cynic like me you wouldn’t, but that’s beside the point).

Update: I was wrong—they do have a webmaster contact form. You click the “contact us” image, select “have a question for our international team? email us” and select “webmaster” from the bottom of the list of topics. It’s a shame the contact button is one of the things that’s broken in Mozilla, but at least it’s there (albeit very well hidden).

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This is Another rubbish site by Simon Willison, posted on 25th July 2002.

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