Search my code examples

Run searches against all of the code examples I have ever included on my blog.

Owned by simonw, visibility: Public

Query parameters

SQL query
with results_stripped as (
  select id, title,
      (regexp_matches(body, '<pre>(.*?)</pre>', 'g'))[1],
        E'<[^>]+>', '', 'gi'
      ), '&quot' || chr(59), '"'), '&gt' || chr(59), '>'), '&lt' || chr(59), '<'), '&#039' || chr(59), chr(39)), '&amp' || chr(59), '&'
    ) as code
    body ~ '<pre>.*<pre>'
select id, title, code, '' || id as link from results_stripped
where code like '%%' || %(search)s || '%%' order by id desc limit 10

5 rows

id title code link
8111 A CSV export, JSON import workflow for bulk updating our data with extracted_idrefs as ( select public_id, name, (regexp_match(name, 'Walgreens.*#0*([0-9]{1,8})', 'i')) [1] as idref from location where regexp_match(name, 'Walgreens.*#0*([0-9]{1,8})', 'i') is not null ) select json_build_object( 'update', json_object_agg( public_id, json_build_object('add', json_build_array('walgreens:' || idref), 'comment', name) ) ) from extracted_idrefs where public_id not in ( select public_id from location where id in ( select location_id from concordance_location where concordanceidentifier_id in ( select id from concordance_identifier where authority = 'walgreens' ) ) )
8084 Django SQL Dashboard with results_stripped as ( select id, title, replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(regexp_replace( (regexp_matches(body, '<pre>(.*?)</pre>', 'g'))[1], E'<[^>]+>', '', 'gi' ), '&quot' || chr(59), '"'), '&gt' || chr(59), '>'), '&lt' || chr(59), '<'), '&#039' || chr(59), chr(39)), '&amp' || chr(59), '&' ) as code from blog_entry where body ~ '<pre>.*<pre>' ) select id, title, code, '' || id as link from results_stripped where code like '%%' || %(search)s || '%%' limit 10
8084 Django SQL Dashboard regexp_matches(body, '<pre>(.*?)</pre>', 'g'))[1]
7985 Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data select created_at, regexp_match('.*?(\d+(\.\d+))lb.*', full_text, 1) as lbs, full_text, case when (media_url_https is not null) then json_object('img_src', media_url_https, 'width', 300) end as photo from tweets left join media_tweets on = media_tweets.tweets_id left join media on = media_tweets.media_id where full_text like '%lb%' and user = 3166449535 and lbs is not null group by order by created_at desc limit 101
7909 Weeknotes: ONA19, twitter-to-sqlite, datasette-rure select regexp_match('.*( and .*)', title) as n from articles where n is not null -- Returns the ' and X' component of any matching titles, e.g. -- and Recognition -- and Transitions Their Place -- etc select regexp_matches( 'hello (?P<name>\w+) the (?P<species>\w+)', 'hello bob the dog, hello maggie the cat, hello tarquin the otter' ) -- Returns a JSON array: -- [{"name": "bob", "species": "dog"}, -- {"name": "maggie", "species": "cat"}, -- {"name": "tarquin", "species": "otter"}]
Copy and export data

Duration: 226.15ms